Reason No. 599 for traveling Panama

by | 4:24 pm | Travel

Panama: The 5th safest country in the Americas

By 2019, Panama was ranked fourth among the most recommended tourist destinations for travel. This list included 50 other countries from all continents. 

The New York Times also mentioned Panama among the best countries to travel in one of its special travel sections. The list was preceded by Puerto Rico, India, and Santa Barbara.

Gustavo Him, Panama’s Minister of Tourism, indicated that at the beginning of the year Panama received another recognition as a tourist destination by Vogue Magazine, which chose Panama as a travel destination in 2019. For Him, this is a great achievement for Panama, as it consolidates it within the radar of international tourism, a great achievement in tourism.

One of the most important commercial activities in Panama, no doubt, is the tourism sector. Millions of people tend to choose Panama as a destination to visit or use it as a stopover. Whichever option you choose, as a tourist you should feel comfortable, calm and safe to the point of feeling that you are at home, therefore, security is a key factor for the industry. 

For many people, safety is a priority in the list for the search of new destinations, looking for a place where peace, freedom and confidence reigns.

Annually the Economy and Peace Institute make a report to measure the world peace indexes. This year Panama was evaluated, 5th country in the continent and 49 worldwide, in this index, which makes it one of the safest nations to visit. 

This is the list of the 15 countries in the Americas with the best peace index.

1- Canada (10)

2- Uruguay (30) 

3- Chile (36) 

4- Costa Rica (37)

5- Panama (49)

6-Argentina (50)

7- Mexico (67)

8- Cuba (72)

9- Peru (72)

10- Brazil (74)

** (Number within parenthesis is the global position)


Officially, Panama is the ideal destination for your vacation. Not only because it is one of the most peaceful countries in the world where security is complete, but also because of the important infrastructures such as the Panama Canal and its locks that allow you to have free and easy access to know this architectural marvel.

Not only this destination, it’ s safe, but every corner of this Latin American paradise that has a history is also safe. The government of Panama has shown in innumerable occasions or commitment with the security, generally, they tend to pact with other governmental and/or private entities so that the peace continues in this way.

Panamanian Authorities Committed to Tourist Safety

The Panamanian Association of Hotels (APATEL) together with the Tourism Authority and the National Police since 2011 promoted the preventive program called ” Hoteles Vigilantes”, to strengthen vigilance and anticipate any criminal act in places of tourist accommodation in the country. This plan seeks to unite the internal security of each lodging with the police units, in addition to providing training and contingency plans to mitigate criminal acts and preserve the safety of visitors.

The National Police added this program to the Strategic Security Plan that develops preventive actions through other citizen security plans that, according to official figures, have significantly reduced crime.

The security of a country also contributes to its position as a tourist destination; if a country is safe, the tourist will be at ease traveling in it. In Panama, according to official statistics, this aspect continues to improve and it has been proven that without a doubt this is the image that a region represents.

In case you still have doubts, here are some other reasons why you should come to Panama

Gastronomy: in our gastronomic blog, we have already mentioned how varied and combined Panamanian gastronomy is. From fried foods, such as “carimañola”, “hojaldre” or empanadas to seafood, with its Caribbean flavor or rice with chicken with a European touch or “sancocho”, a very Latin dish.

Cultural diversity: Panama is known for being a place of transit. Each region of the country has particular traditions worst influenced by some culture, be it black, aboriginal, Spanish.

Everything is close: being a small country with a privileged geographical position, it is very accessible to the traveler who only has seven days, for example. You can get to know the modern city, the historic cities, enjoy nature and its beautiful beaches, all in a matter of hours. One day you can sunrise on a Caribbean beach with crystal clear waters and white sand and enjoy the majesty of the Pacific at sunset.

Tourism for all tastes: its national parks such as Metropolitano, Soberanía and La Amistad; you can also do beach tourism in Bocas del Toro, San Blas, San Carlos or Las Perlas; cultural, historical and religious tourism in Azuero, Casco Antiguo in the capital or indigenous regions and the picturesque towns of the interior of the country; a cosmopolitan city with a great offer of tourist sites; not to mention the warmth and friendly treatment of its people.